Friday, December 9, 2011

Senior school Prize giving

Last night was our Senior school prize giving. I was feeling really nervous because I was going to get a certificate. I was only nervous because there were heaps of parents and also former Point England students. My award for the night was coming to school everyday which is 100% attendance. When I was walking up I was already sweating because it was so hot. As I shook Ms Teleso’s hand I can feel sweat running down my head that’s how nervous I was feeling. But then all of a sudden I wasn’t because Etta joined me in the cue.
My parents were really proud of me so they are going to reward me some other day.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Year 7&8 social

On Thursday night our school prefects prepared a social for us in our school hall. The cost of our social was $10. At our social there were prizes for the best dress and the best dancer of the night. It started at 7:00 and finished at 9:30 but a bit later because everyone were so hyped that they wanted the prefects to play one last song.
During the night most of us year 8’s took loads of photos so that we can keep them for memories since this is our last year. I reckon that we should have another social but with the year 8’s only. One of the things that I liked about this social is how everyone just walked in through the doors glowing. Another thing I really enjoyed was eating sausages and eating desert.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2011

“Ya” I shouted out loud as we were getting ready to head for the buses.

Last Wednesday our whole school were transported one by one by bus to Sylvia Parks Hoyt's to watch the Manaiakalani film festival movies for 2011.
When we arrived all of the classes that were in the bus I was in all rushed outside very excited and couldn't’t wait to enter Sylvia Park. I was laughing really loudly because I was just so excited. Finally we entered the Extreme Cinemas it was so dark that I could hardly see where I was going.
I was sitting right at the back on the Lazy Boy chairs I felt really comfortable because when the introduction of the movies came up it looked really good because I felt like I was in the middle of the cinema.

My favorite movie that I really enjoyed was Tamaki College’s Rugby girls movie. The reason why I really liked it was because I liked how they made all there tackles and they never even missed one.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Taonga Team

This Term all of Team 5 swapped Taonga Time groups. Last Term I was with Mr Jacobsen and this term I’m with Mrs Telea. I was really looking froward to go to Mrs Telea’s group because she told us from the begining when we first started Taonga time she told us that it would be heaps of fun in her class because we will be able to do filming on our own with our own little group.

Last Week Mrs Telea gave us a Fairy Tale to do, my group did Godilocks and the three little bears. At first I was confused because I forgot all about what that fairytale was about.
In my group was Me Athena, Nathaniel, Annexe and Richard. It was so funny when we were filming because Richard was the big Papa Bear I was Mamma bear Annexe was Godilocks and Nathaniel was camera man and also director.

We went to film our movie inside our school library and we also used the outside field.
When all the groups finished filming we all came back to the ICT room to show our movies.
When it came to our groups movie I was totally sure that the teacher wouldn’t like it because we didn’t really do that much talking and we also didn’t do different angle shot’s.

Friday, November 4, 2011

(Our planet experience using balloons)

I was really looking forward to do the experience that we were doing yesterday. I couldn’t wait to find out more information about our solar system.

Yesterday our class attempted to do a planet experience with balloons outside, but unfortunately it started raining so we just did our experience inside our classroom.

From the experience I found out that everything in our solar system orbits (moves around) in the same direction. During this experience 10 kids from my class were chosen to blow up balloons. These balloons that they were blowing up were our planets so it was pretty cool because we acted the balloons like the planet’s, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the Dwarf planet Pluto.

Sharon had the yellow balloon so she had to stand in the center because the center is where the sun sits in our solar system. Second came Mercury, because Mercury is the closest to the sun it doesn’t mean that it is the hottest . Mercury is actually the fastest moving planet. Second came Venus . If you compare Venus and Earth they are almost the same size. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Third was Earth, I learnt lots about our earth, Earth isn’t the hottest or the fastest moving planet, I mean this by it moves around slowly so that how I know that it is actually perfect. The reason why people live on earth is because there is air and we can actually breathe in oxygen.

When we finished learning info about Earth we then moved on to Mars. The planet Mars is known as the red planet because of it’s colour. The planet looks like a little rock that has just come flying out of a volcano.

The fifth planet we learnt about was the biggest planet which is called Jupiter. The only thing I like about Jupiter is the colour, It has a light creamy colour.
Our next ballooned planet was Saturn. In our solar system Saturn is known as the only planet with rings around it, The rings are made out of ice.
The planet we last of all spoke all about was the planet Pluto.
The information that I know about Pluto is that in 2006 it was downgraded to a dwarf planet because scientists said that it was too small to be a planet. I reckon Pluto looks a bit like the moon. In our experience Kamire was holding up Pluto.

The experience we had I think should of had a moon because the moon is also in our solar system. Our moon for real it does not have light it is actually our sun that reflects it’s light onto the moon so that the moon can shine when it’s night time.

So from learning about the moon the sun and the planets I’ve known that the sun must be like the most important thing that is out their because if we had no sun our earth will just be cold like Pluto is now and we’ll have nothing to keep us warm, We also might not see anything. I think that if we had no sun on this earth then no one will know when it’s night or daytime.

I really enjoyed this experience but at times it got boring because some people were just making lots of noise.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Facts about our Solar System

In 2006 Pluto was downgraded but now there are four dwarf planets in the solar system.

I was really shocked when I found out that our sun wasn’t that big and that there are other stars which are much bigger than the sun. Some people call the sun the star. That’s why in lots of sayings people and many scientists say that the sun is the closest star to earth. The sun’s surface is called the photosphere. The temperature of the photosphere is about 10,000 Fahrenheit. Did you know that the sun is made out of 92% hydrogen, 7% helium and the rest is other low number gasses.

The moon does not give off light of its own. It is the sun that gives light to the moon. The moon reflects the suns light.

Falealupo in Samoa is the last place in the whole world to see the sunset which I think is pretty cool.

Other interesting facts:
Pluto is about the same age as the Sun which is about 4.5 billion years old.
The clouds of Venus is filled with sulfuric acid.
Venus has mountains that are higher than Earth.One of the mountains names are Maat Mons which is more than 5 miles high.
Scientists have found out that Venus is the brightest planet viewed from Earth.The reason why they know this is because the planet rotates from East to West. The only other planet that does this is Uranus.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Holiday Highlight

Holiday highlight

Wow it was that time again it was the end of term 3 already and we were all off for our two week holiday.

My holiday highlight was the last day which was yesterday even though I had two weeks of holiday I really didn’t do anything at all because it was so boring for the first . The only part I liked for the first week was when it was my birthday.

I really liked yesterday because I went with our church youth to Okahu bay and we played sports like volley and touch. It was so cool and it was really funny.
Apart from all that there was also something else that I really enjoyed. It was our church General Conference which was held at the Lunn Ave LDS chapel.

The conference was so long that it took 6 hours it had started at 9:00am all the way through to 2:00pm. This conference was for everyone in the whole world who were Mormons.
At this conference our leading Prophet and his first and second counsellors spoke to us for at least one and a half hours . There were also some other people like our young women and young men’s leaders.

My favourite talk was when it was our Prophet talking our prophets name is Prophet Thomas s. Monsen he is really funny and he told us lots of amazing things about him that has happened in his life and he also shared with us and the rest of the mormons the great blessings that he had received when he first became a member of the church.

The funniest story he told us was when he was a little boy his older brother took the washing to the Laundry when he had left Thomas s. Monsen just remembered about his five dollars that he had left in the back pocket of his jeans that he wore. So he prayed about his five dollars that his heavenly father can keep it safe. Everyone all started laughing when he said that. I started thinking to myself and thought that his five dollars might get all soggy and rip apart.
But when he heard his brother came back with the washing he sprinted down stairs to go look for his jeans and wow I couldn’t beleive it he had found his five dollars just sitting in the pocket.

When he told us I was totally amazed and now I know that for sure blessings are true and they can happen whenever or wherever.
At end of the conference I went home so tired and sleepy so when I got home I fell into a deep sleep.


This morning Room 21 headed off to the courts for our first tennis lesson with Marcelle.
Before we even started we all had to get one racket and one tennis ball each. Then Marcelle set some challenges for us. One of the most hardest challenges was when we had to hit the tennis on the flat side and then on the hard side which was the smaller side. It was a hard challenge. The easiest challenge for me was when we had to flip the racket over well the ball was on top.

Next we had to find a partner. My partner was Mui. One of us had to go on one side of the net and the other had to stay on the other side. All of my side had to put our rackets down so we only had to have our tennis balls so that we could throw it under arm to our partner on the other side. It was so funny when I first threw it to Mui because she hit it not to me but the tennis ball went right pass me.

Then the real game happened instead of the game being tennis Marcelle named it the king of the court. For this game everyone that was on each of the courts had to all line up in one line . The person in our group that I think was really good is Sharon because she won nearly everything.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Meeting the Manu Samoa Team...

When I met the Manu Samoa I was so happy to see them and talk to them face to face. The person that I really wanted to meet was Alesana Tuilagi because I have heard that Alesana Tuilagi has made some big hits on people during his rugby career. Another person that I was bursting and couldn't wait to meet was Maurie Faasavalu. I really wanted to meet him because I used to live with him in Samoa when I was still very young. Maurie was a police officer but has now grown up to be a Manu Samoa Rugby player.

Well we were at the Telstra Clear center we took heaps more like loads of photos with them.
Even though there RWC 2011 season is over I will still support them for the next world cup in 2015. GO THE MANU ??

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Term 3 Highlight

This term one of my favorite highlights has to be learning about the RWC. The reason why I liked learning about the RWC is because it is held in New Zealand which means that all 20 World cup Teams will be coming here. The first game that started off the world cup was Tonga and New Zealand. The team that I am cheering for is the Manu Samoa.

My second highlight was when we went to see Harold and Lynn at the Life Education Caravan. We went to see them once a week. Lynn taught us about how illegal drugs can effect our bodies and how we live. The most dangerous drugs are Herowen and other drugs like P and Marijuana.

My third and most remembered highlight for this term is when all of Team 5 had a silly sports day on Tuesday which was held down on our school bottom field. There were four activities that were being held by all our Team 5 teachers. My favorite activity was with Mrs Nua because we were using water which I found very exciting. The reason why I wanted to get wet was because I was feeling so hot like a sausage sizzling on the BBQ waiting to be eaten.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Simile Writing

1)The Baby is as cute as a bunny rabbit.
The Baby is as cute as a tiny teddy.
The Baby is as cute as a little cute chipmunk.

2) The monkey is as cheeky as a little child.
The monkey is like an annoying friend
The monkey is as naughty like my little cousins.

3)The car is as bright as shining teeth.
The car is as blue as the sky.
The car is red like a tasty looking strawberry.

4)As brave as a hero.
As brave as a growley teacher.
As brave as a roaring lion.

5)As smooth as a babies bottom.
As smooth as a
As smooth as a

6)As soft as a fluffy blanket.
As soft as a babies pillow.
as soft as a birds feather.

7)As happy as the Rugby World Cup teams winning their first games.
As happy as a little girl playing with her dolls.
As happy as little kids running around on the play ground.

8)As loud as a noisy classroom.
As loud as the fans cheering for the All Blacks when they won against Japan.
As loud as a teacher growling at someone.

9)As warm as a heater.
As warm as the sun shining in summer.
As warm as a hot cuddly blanket.

10)As large as an elephant.
As large as Russia.
As large as Mt Everest.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Silly Sports Day

I was really excited to hear that the whole of team 5 were going to be having a fun and great time doing and playing games down at the bottom field where there was lots of spare space for us to use and do all the activities.
There were 4 teachers taking each activity. The first teacher we went to was Mrs Lagitupu. With Mrs Lagitupu we played ball tiggy. That ball tiggy wasn't the same as the ball tiggy we usually play nearly everyday. The only thing that was different about this ball tiggy was that we couldn't’t run with the ball.
The instructions were if we got the ball we could only catch the other group by touching the ball not throwing the ball them if we did throw the ball then we would be out of the game.

The first thing we did was Mrs Lagitupu put our whole class into equal groups there were four groups Yellow, Green, Red and Blue I was in team Blue. My team was one of the first teams to start playing with team Team Green.
Our second teacher we went to was Ms Tito. Before we even started walking I had a feeling that Ms Tito’s activity would be challenging well as always.
When we got there we had to sit and wait until everyone was quiet then we would start.

The point of the activity was that we had to aim for a hula hoop that was out on the field and we had to try and flick the ball out of the sling shot into any of the hoops if the ball went into any of the closer hoops our class would get 50points. But if someone got it into the pink hoop which was far out near the middle of the field, We will get 100 points for our group.

The prize at the end of the day for Ms Tito’s activity was that the winning class will get to have a water balloon fight during lunchtime. At the end of the day the class that won was unfortunately not our class but Room 22.

The next teacher we headed off to was Mr Harris. With Mr Harris we had a race the first one we did was we had to put a tennis ball on top of the spoon and also with a rope tied up to my foot and to my partners foot and race to the other side of the field without dropping the ball if we did drop the ball we would of had to go back to the start line and start again.

Last of all was Mrs Nua’s her one was the best because it involved water which was pretty cool.
The aim of Mrs Nua’s activity was all four groups each had one big sponge. With the sponge we have to splot the sponge into a bucket of water the we pass it to the back of our group under legs then to the side. The last person at the back of the line squeezes the sponge into another bucket at the back you have to try to squeeze all the water out of the sponge and into the bucket.

I hope that we carry on doing these kind of activities but every week it should be different activities like next week one teacher should take rugby and one teacher should take another activity because it will be pretty boring if we do the same one every week.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Finish Line for Cross Country

What a long race. I came to school early in the morning ready to take on the competitive yr 8 girls. It was nearly 9:30am. The time was very close for us to get ready to head off to the courts. We had to wait to take on the big challenge which was to run a 3.5k run.
The biggest challenge for me that I had going through my mind was that I had to finish the race and not give up.
"Oh my gosh!" I said to myself. It's finally our turn. I felt so nervous and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Ready, set... GO! shouted Ms Va'afusuaga. Whoosh! Away we all ran.
I wasn't even near the cone and I was already starting to feel tired. When I was across the other side of the field ready to go out on to the reserve, I felt like I wanted to stop because I had a really bad stitch. I think it was the chips that I ate before I started.
Yay I finally made it to the bush walk. I was very happy to make it there, but I wasn't so happy when I knew we were going to be running on rocks and mud.

But luckily I wasn't running by myself I was with two of my friends Gabby and Vaha. While we were running we over took sum year 7 boys which was pretty cool. What was not cool was that lots of year 8 boys like Nathaniel passed us it was kind of funny too.
felt so great when I saw that I was near the reserve but I didn't feel so great when I saw that we had to run another 1k.
"Uh" I said to myself. I was so close to the finish line but I couldn't take it I was so tired that I wanted to walk to the finish line so I did. Now that I finished the intermediate cross country I cant wait to see what my future college has next.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sonny Bill Williams.....

Full name: Sonny Bill Williams
D.O.B: 3/08/1985
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half cast, half Samoan half maori

Sonny Bill Williams plays for the All Blacks.
Sonny Bill Williams is also a boxer.
This year might be the last year for Sonny playing for All Blacks he might move to play for the Blues “yay”.
Sonny Bill's Mum is Samoan and his dad is Maori Pakeha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

William Webb Ellis

William Webb Ellis is the name of the rugby world cup for this year 2011. The reason why the cup is named after this man is because Mr Ellis actually made up the game of rugby while he was still in school. After sharing rugby with his school he then finally shared it with the world and that’s when the history of rugby started.
William’s father James Ellis passed away at the battle of Albuera in 1812 which left just William and his mother.
William went to school from 1816 to 1825. During his school years he was most known as a good cricketer.
After leaving rugby William went to Oxford University in 1826 at the age of 18. While he was there he played cricket cricket for Brasenose College.
While I was researching about William Webb Ellis I found out lots of new things about him because in our days he is known as a rugby player but back in his school days he was noticed as a cricket player.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


In the holidays it was boring for me because I didn’t do that much things. I just stayed home watched some DVDs and hopped on to Facebook. I didn’t do much because my dad had surgery on his knee. The hospital he was at was Mercy Ascot which is just in town. His operation took 2 days and now it will take 3 or 4 months for him to recover.

The doctors haven’t allowed him to drive but he still does because he says that he doesn’t feel any pain anymore. In the first place the only reason why it was so painful was because the nurses didn’t stitch his cuts up.They stapled it. The injury was quite old, but the doctors had to straighten the bone. I’m not sure how his knee got injured in the first place.

Also on Sunday I went over to my cousins house in Otara. I have many cousins. When I got there we watched a movie called ‘The Despicable Me’ and then we went and played outside. This time my dad didn’t drive. My sister and I just caught the bus to see them.

When my sister and I finished hanging out with them we decided to go visit my aunty who lives on Harris Road in Otara. I went there just to catch up and see how her family was doing. She told me that her husband went back to Samoa to bring their baby girl back to New Zealand . They arrived yesterday morning. During the weekends they are going to come and visit us. I I wonder what I will do for my next holiday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Planning Log

Keep a record of both what you intend to do and what you did over the course of the next 3 weeks as we work through the Technology Process.

Week 5Week 6Week 7
What I plan to doBrainstorm IssuesResearch question ideas for signsplanning log, make signs
Materials I will needPaper,Pen,IdeasGoogle Docs Questions
People/Sources I need to consult for more information.Peers/Friends/Yourself/TeachersPeers/Friends
Year 7 & 8 kids
What did you find difficult and why?Get more ideas for a good signAnalyse the data check the answers
What I will do next as a result of any difficulties.


You need to think and expand on your answers, one sentence is not sufficient.

What is your issue in our school?

Who does it affect?
Mr Malloy, Mr Burt, Teachers.

Why is it happening in our school?
Kids walk and eat, Don’t care, Not putting rubbish in the bin, Lazy.

When does it happen?
Play time , Lunch time , Before and After school.

Where is it happening?
Street, Around the school, Outside classrooms.

What needs to happen to prevent this issue?
Bin It , Signs, More Talking/ Punishments/Consequences, Monitors, More bins.


Brainstorm some Ideas/ problems that we have around our school environment.

*Chewing inside school grounds
*Throwing rubbish around the school not putting it in the bin.
*Spitting, Children could stand on the spit.
*Kicking on the courts when we are not aloud to.
*Running inside classrooms

List of Signs

Thinking about signs and signage (Make a list of all the signs you have seen ….. and the purpose of the sign )
Type of sign:Purpose of the sign:
‘No Smoking’Keep a free smokefree area. No smoking in inside.
‘Give Way’Traffic sign. Look out for traffic. E.G: Cars/Trains/Buses.
Slow Down’Near pedestrian crossing. Traffic sign.
Chewing’No chewing in school grounds.
Littering’No throwing rubbish around our community. Keep area nice and tidy.


I think my report wasn’t that bad. I just think that I have to work on a few things and try and achieve them before the end of the year .

The things that I need to work on at home is to practice my writing. I have to use more specific vocabulary. My writing has to be really interesting so that when other people read it they will be hooked into it.

I know that I have to work hard and study hard this year because next year I will be attending college. The other things I also have to work on and strive to achieve is using and memorising more strategies to work out problems in maths.

The two things that I am achieving quite low at is my writing and maths. For those two subjects I am at a year 4 level so by the end of the year I have to at least be writing at a year 8 or year 7 level.

For all the subjects there is always an expected level. The level that I’m expected to be at right now is at a level 3A or 4B.

Last night when I sat down with my parents we discussed everything that I needed to work on.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Term 2 Highlight

This term was very cool because of our Science Roadshow trip down at Tamaki College, Netball and our Glee Club and Hip Hop practices.

This term all of our netball girls have gone down to the Auckland Netball courts every Tuesday after school to play tough games against other school’s from around Auckland. I chose netball as a highlight because this term we have had a really tough netball season. The game that was really challenging for us this term would have to be our last game that we played against Baradene.

It was a really challenging game for us because both our team and their team were all very good. When we played I went on as Goal Keep. I wasn’t really nervous about playing them because we had already played against them at the start of the term.

At the end of our game it was 26 - 24 to Baradene. We were all really gutted that we lost we had no idea that they would of took out at the end. But still I think we have had a really good netball season it wasn’t too bad at least we still won some of games.

All our netball teams have had a great season this year even our little year 4’s and 5’s.

Glee’s also been another highlight for me because I have really enjoyed working with the Tamaki tutor’s that come to teach us the dances that we are going to perform next Thursday at our school assembly. I really can’t wait.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tamaki Technology

Every Monday morning our Yr 7 and Year 8 students walk down to Tamaki College to have Technology. There are 5 Tech classes which are Electronics, Science, Cooking, Wood Tech, and Graphics. The teacher for Electronics is Mr Malhotra. This year is Mr Malhotra’s first year teaching at Tamaki College.

The teacher for Science is Mr Dewan. Science is the Technology class that I’m in now. Science is really cool because we use things like Fire, Bunsen Burners and other things like Matches.
In our Science Lab we had to melt an ice cube to see how fast it would melt and we also had to see if the water will boil. When we started to light up the Bunsen burner we put our water on top and then we placed our thermometer on top. The ice melted faster in hot water.