Friday, August 19, 2011

Finish Line for Cross Country

What a long race. I came to school early in the morning ready to take on the competitive yr 8 girls. It was nearly 9:30am. The time was very close for us to get ready to head off to the courts. We had to wait to take on the big challenge which was to run a 3.5k run.
The biggest challenge for me that I had going through my mind was that I had to finish the race and not give up.
"Oh my gosh!" I said to myself. It's finally our turn. I felt so nervous and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Ready, set... GO! shouted Ms Va'afusuaga. Whoosh! Away we all ran.
I wasn't even near the cone and I was already starting to feel tired. When I was across the other side of the field ready to go out on to the reserve, I felt like I wanted to stop because I had a really bad stitch. I think it was the chips that I ate before I started.
Yay I finally made it to the bush walk. I was very happy to make it there, but I wasn't so happy when I knew we were going to be running on rocks and mud.

But luckily I wasn't running by myself I was with two of my friends Gabby and Vaha. While we were running we over took sum year 7 boys which was pretty cool. What was not cool was that lots of year 8 boys like Nathaniel passed us it was kind of funny too.
felt so great when I saw that I was near the reserve but I didn't feel so great when I saw that we had to run another 1k.
"Uh" I said to myself. I was so close to the finish line but I couldn't take it I was so tired that I wanted to walk to the finish line so I did. Now that I finished the intermediate cross country I cant wait to see what my future college has next.

1 comment:

  1. When I was in middle school I used to run cross country. I remember there was this one race that I was particularly nervous about because it was the biggest race I had run yet. Like you, I got butterflies and told myself I would be happy just to complete the race. Near the end of the race I could not even feel my legs because I had been running so hard but it was all worth it because I ended up winning the race! It sounds like you tried really hard as well in your race, and that feeling of giving your all is sometimes even better then winning.


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