Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Planning Log

Keep a record of both what you intend to do and what you did over the course of the next 3 weeks as we work through the Technology Process.

Week 5Week 6Week 7
What I plan to doBrainstorm IssuesResearch question ideas for signsplanning log, make signs
Materials I will needPaper,Pen,IdeasGoogle Docs Questions
People/Sources I need to consult for more information.Peers/Friends/Yourself/TeachersPeers/Friends
Year 7 & 8 kids
What did you find difficult and why?Get more ideas for a good signAnalyse the data check the answers
What I will do next as a result of any difficulties.


You need to think and expand on your answers, one sentence is not sufficient.

What is your issue in our school?

Who does it affect?
Mr Malloy, Mr Burt, Teachers.

Why is it happening in our school?
Kids walk and eat, Don’t care, Not putting rubbish in the bin, Lazy.

When does it happen?
Play time , Lunch time , Before and After school.

Where is it happening?
Street, Around the school, Outside classrooms.

What needs to happen to prevent this issue?
Bin It , Signs, More Talking/ Punishments/Consequences, Monitors, More bins.


Brainstorm some Ideas/ problems that we have around our school environment.

*Chewing inside school grounds
*Throwing rubbish around the school not putting it in the bin.
*Spitting, Children could stand on the spit.
*Kicking on the courts when we are not aloud to.
*Running inside classrooms

List of Signs

Thinking about signs and signage (Make a list of all the signs you have seen ….. and the purpose of the sign )
Type of sign:Purpose of the sign:
‘No Smoking’Keep a free smokefree area. No smoking in inside.
‘Give Way’Traffic sign. Look out for traffic. E.G: Cars/Trains/Buses.
Slow Down’Near pedestrian crossing. Traffic sign.
Chewing’No chewing in school grounds.
Littering’No throwing rubbish around our community. Keep area nice and tidy.


I think my report wasn’t that bad. I just think that I have to work on a few things and try and achieve them before the end of the year .

The things that I need to work on at home is to practice my writing. I have to use more specific vocabulary. My writing has to be really interesting so that when other people read it they will be hooked into it.

I know that I have to work hard and study hard this year because next year I will be attending college. The other things I also have to work on and strive to achieve is using and memorising more strategies to work out problems in maths.

The two things that I am achieving quite low at is my writing and maths. For those two subjects I am at a year 4 level so by the end of the year I have to at least be writing at a year 8 or year 7 level.

For all the subjects there is always an expected level. The level that I’m expected to be at right now is at a level 3A or 4B.

Last night when I sat down with my parents we discussed everything that I needed to work on.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST kids in the world!!!

This morning at assembly our school principal came to talk to us about how and ‘why we are one of the richest children in the world’.

Our Principal Mr Burt told us that we were one of the richest kids in the world because we have better school buildings and that we have more money than other people in the world. He has just come back from over seas and he says that the movies that come on TV may look fancy and rich, but when you actually go to the country it’s not that rich.

He told us that every school he went to visit was very poor and broken, because some school’s didn’t have enough money to pay their teachers. Many teachers only worked four days a week.

Anyway apart from all of that. I think that we are one the richest kids in the world because we all have a chance to have a good education. We also have good teachers who help us throughout our learning. Another thing why I think we are one the richest kids in the world is because our parents have good jobs and also their pay is very good compared to some other countries.

We are very privileged because of what we have and what we own around here. I know that sometimes when we have an abundance of things like food we don’t like, we just waste them when we really shouldn’t be.

Why are we one of the RICHEST

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Term 2 Highlight

This term was very cool because of our Science Roadshow trip down at Tamaki College, Netball and our Glee Club and Hip Hop practices.

This term all of our netball girls have gone down to the Auckland Netball courts every Tuesday after school to play tough games against other school’s from around Auckland. I chose netball as a highlight because this term we have had a really tough netball season. The game that was really challenging for us this term would have to be our last game that we played against Baradene.

It was a really challenging game for us because both our team and their team were all very good. When we played I went on as Goal Keep. I wasn’t really nervous about playing them because we had already played against them at the start of the term.

At the end of our game it was 26 - 24 to Baradene. We were all really gutted that we lost we had no idea that they would of took out at the end. But still I think we have had a really good netball season it wasn’t too bad at least we still won some of games.

All our netball teams have had a great season this year even our little year 4’s and 5’s.

Glee’s also been another highlight for me because I have really enjoyed working with the Tamaki tutor’s that come to teach us the dances that we are going to perform next Thursday at our school assembly. I really can’t wait.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tamaki Technology

Every Monday morning our Yr 7 and Year 8 students walk down to Tamaki College to have Technology. There are 5 Tech classes which are Electronics, Science, Cooking, Wood Tech, and Graphics. The teacher for Electronics is Mr Malhotra. This year is Mr Malhotra’s first year teaching at Tamaki College.

The teacher for Science is Mr Dewan. Science is the Technology class that I’m in now. Science is really cool because we use things like Fire, Bunsen Burners and other things like Matches.
In our Science Lab we had to melt an ice cube to see how fast it would melt and we also had to see if the water will boil. When we started to light up the Bunsen burner we put our water on top and then we placed our thermometer on top. The ice melted faster in hot water.