Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Silly Sports Day

I was really excited to hear that the whole of team 5 were going to be having a fun and great time doing and playing games down at the bottom field where there was lots of spare space for us to use and do all the activities.
There were 4 teachers taking each activity. The first teacher we went to was Mrs Lagitupu. With Mrs Lagitupu we played ball tiggy. That ball tiggy wasn't the same as the ball tiggy we usually play nearly everyday. The only thing that was different about this ball tiggy was that we couldn't’t run with the ball.
The instructions were if we got the ball we could only catch the other group by touching the ball not throwing the ball them if we did throw the ball then we would be out of the game.

The first thing we did was Mrs Lagitupu put our whole class into equal groups there were four groups Yellow, Green, Red and Blue I was in team Blue. My team was one of the first teams to start playing with team Team Green.
Our second teacher we went to was Ms Tito. Before we even started walking I had a feeling that Ms Tito’s activity would be challenging well as always.
When we got there we had to sit and wait until everyone was quiet then we would start.

The point of the activity was that we had to aim for a hula hoop that was out on the field and we had to try and flick the ball out of the sling shot into any of the hoops if the ball went into any of the closer hoops our class would get 50points. But if someone got it into the pink hoop which was far out near the middle of the field, We will get 100 points for our group.

The prize at the end of the day for Ms Tito’s activity was that the winning class will get to have a water balloon fight during lunchtime. At the end of the day the class that won was unfortunately not our class but Room 22.

The next teacher we headed off to was Mr Harris. With Mr Harris we had a race the first one we did was we had to put a tennis ball on top of the spoon and also with a rope tied up to my foot and to my partners foot and race to the other side of the field without dropping the ball if we did drop the ball we would of had to go back to the start line and start again.

Last of all was Mrs Nua’s her one was the best because it involved water which was pretty cool.
The aim of Mrs Nua’s activity was all four groups each had one big sponge. With the sponge we have to splot the sponge into a bucket of water the we pass it to the back of our group under legs then to the side. The last person at the back of the line squeezes the sponge into another bucket at the back you have to try to squeeze all the water out of the sponge and into the bucket.

I hope that we carry on doing these kind of activities but every week it should be different activities like next week one teacher should take rugby and one teacher should take another activity because it will be pretty boring if we do the same one every week.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Finish Line for Cross Country

What a long race. I came to school early in the morning ready to take on the competitive yr 8 girls. It was nearly 9:30am. The time was very close for us to get ready to head off to the courts. We had to wait to take on the big challenge which was to run a 3.5k run.
The biggest challenge for me that I had going through my mind was that I had to finish the race and not give up.
"Oh my gosh!" I said to myself. It's finally our turn. I felt so nervous and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Ready, set... GO! shouted Ms Va'afusuaga. Whoosh! Away we all ran.
I wasn't even near the cone and I was already starting to feel tired. When I was across the other side of the field ready to go out on to the reserve, I felt like I wanted to stop because I had a really bad stitch. I think it was the chips that I ate before I started.
Yay I finally made it to the bush walk. I was very happy to make it there, but I wasn't so happy when I knew we were going to be running on rocks and mud.

But luckily I wasn't running by myself I was with two of my friends Gabby and Vaha. While we were running we over took sum year 7 boys which was pretty cool. What was not cool was that lots of year 8 boys like Nathaniel passed us it was kind of funny too.
felt so great when I saw that I was near the reserve but I didn't feel so great when I saw that we had to run another 1k.
"Uh" I said to myself. I was so close to the finish line but I couldn't take it I was so tired that I wanted to walk to the finish line so I did. Now that I finished the intermediate cross country I cant wait to see what my future college has next.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sonny Bill Williams.....

Full name: Sonny Bill Williams
D.O.B: 3/08/1985
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half cast, half Samoan half maori

Sonny Bill Williams plays for the All Blacks.
Sonny Bill Williams is also a boxer.
This year might be the last year for Sonny playing for All Blacks he might move to play for the Blues “yay”.
Sonny Bill's Mum is Samoan and his dad is Maori Pakeha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

William Webb Ellis

William Webb Ellis is the name of the rugby world cup for this year 2011. The reason why the cup is named after this man is because Mr Ellis actually made up the game of rugby while he was still in school. After sharing rugby with his school he then finally shared it with the world and that’s when the history of rugby started.
William’s father James Ellis passed away at the battle of Albuera in 1812 which left just William and his mother.
William went to school from 1816 to 1825. During his school years he was most known as a good cricketer.
After leaving rugby William went to Oxford University in 1826 at the age of 18. While he was there he played cricket cricket for Brasenose College.
While I was researching about William Webb Ellis I found out lots of new things about him because in our days he is known as a rugby player but back in his school days he was noticed as a cricket player.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


In the holidays it was boring for me because I didn’t do that much things. I just stayed home watched some DVDs and hopped on to Facebook. I didn’t do much because my dad had surgery on his knee. The hospital he was at was Mercy Ascot which is just in town. His operation took 2 days and now it will take 3 or 4 months for him to recover.

The doctors haven’t allowed him to drive but he still does because he says that he doesn’t feel any pain anymore. In the first place the only reason why it was so painful was because the nurses didn’t stitch his cuts up.They stapled it. The injury was quite old, but the doctors had to straighten the bone. I’m not sure how his knee got injured in the first place.

Also on Sunday I went over to my cousins house in Otara. I have many cousins. When I got there we watched a movie called ‘The Despicable Me’ and then we went and played outside. This time my dad didn’t drive. My sister and I just caught the bus to see them.

When my sister and I finished hanging out with them we decided to go visit my aunty who lives on Harris Road in Otara. I went there just to catch up and see how her family was doing. She told me that her husband went back to Samoa to bring their baby girl back to New Zealand . They arrived yesterday morning. During the weekends they are going to come and visit us. I I wonder what I will do for my next holiday.